VARBERG SUMMER HORSE SHOW A new Swedish horseshow-adventure

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By Therese Alhaug. All photos by Malene Nilssen.

NEW HORSESHOWS COMING UP all over the world. Last weekend the 3* Varberg Horse Show had its premier-weekend in the south of Sweden.

Great show, super show-ground and good atmosphere was the overall feedback from riders and audience. Besides from show jumping and dressage there were also driving competitions. The first days a National show was held, before the 3* weekend. The last weekends show was the opening of the Volkswagen Grand Prix series, so the biggest highlight of the weekend was of course the exciting 1.50 Volkswagen Grand Prix class that was won by homerider Peder Fredricson.

14 nations, more than 200 horses and 80 riders participated for four days, and the tribunes where almost fully packed during the biggest classes. Nordic Top-riders visited the show, such as Rolf-Göran Bengtsson ( Sweden), Andreas Schou ( Denmark), Malin B. Johnsson, Geir Gulliksen (Norway) and Peder Fredricson ( Sweden), and many talented younger Nordic riders showed themselves as real competitors to the seniors, as they won many of the bigger classes during the weekend. At the top lists of younger riders where among others Johan S.Gulliksen ( Norway), Irma Karlsson (Sweden), Martin D.Neergard (Denmark) and Benedikte S.Endresen (Norway).

Varberg can offer nice beaches and a charming summer-city. The showground was well-planned with restaurants, decorations, exhibition and other activities.

Cource-designer was Kris van Gelder.

Therese Stub Alhaug


Therese is the editor of Equilife, and is truly dedicated to equestrian sports and horses. She started riding as a little girl, and enjoys her free time with her two horses back home. Portrait interview is her favorite topic, as it has the gift to inspire others through peoples stories, knowledge, training and general life-philosophy, and certainly, their lives with horses.

  1. Advertisement

  2. Hi! Found a picture of me from Varberg summer horse show, is it possible to get it somehow? /Niklas Jonsson

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