The story of a talented rider who was just waiting for the right horse to come along. By Frank Mulvihill. Photo Therese Alhaug, TRM, Denisa Photo &.Stefano Grasso/LGCT Greg Broderick and his horse MHS Going Global burst onto the world stage in 2015. In his own country, 32-year-old Greg had developed into an excellent ‘national’…

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Frank Mulvihill
Frank Mulvihill


Frank is a breeder and producer of sport horses. His son Seán has competed at show jumping up to 1.50m level. With a background in Equine Science and holding a coaching qualification he has a deep understanding of the horse and rider. He has a keen interest in equine genetics, equine history and the evolution of equestrian sport, and has been involved in equestrian print and broadcasting for almost 20 years.

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