Horse owners know balanced and correct nutrition are paramount to horse’s health. However, every horse has different requirements and it can be difficult to meet all their individual needs.

By Zoe Thomas. Photos by St. Hippolyt

Nutritional deficiencies in horses can show in various forms. They could be susceptible to disease and parasites, bacterial infections, metabolic disorders as well as having dental and hoof problems.

There are lots of signs a horse is lacking something important in its diet or equally the diet could be unbalanced. Horses that seem to be losing weight without increased workload or reduced feed, some horses will not be thriving, poor coat, dull eye, lethargic, reduced physical capability etc. In younger horse’s skeletal growth can be affected, it can slow down dramatically and in severe cases stop altogether.

The closer to nature the diet is, the better as the digestive system can cope better with the feed and utilise the nutrients more efficiently. Some might think an inexpensive generic mixed feed is fine, but really the amount the horse can utilise is minimal and you will almost certainly have to supplement the diet with various expensive minerals and vitamins.

I decided to look at St. Hippolyt, arguably one of Europe’s most progressive Equine feed manufacturers. In the region of Baden in southern Germany lies a town called Dielheim. This is where Mill Ebert is found and is the home of St. Hippolyt feeds. Founded in 1991 it belongs to Mulhe Elbert Dielhiem (MED) and employees around 150 people. St Hippolyt distributes feed throughout mainland Europe.

In Germany lies a town called Dielheim. This is where Mill Ebert is found and is the home of St. Hippolyt feeds. Founded in 1991 it belongs to Mulhe Elbert Dielhiem (MED) and employees around 150 people.

“The closer to nature the diet is, the better as the digestive system can cope better with the feed and utilise the nutrients more efficiently.”

At Mill Elbert a wide and comprehensive range of products are produced. St. Hippolyt s philosophy is “Feeding Like Nature” and to research to develop feed of the highest possible standard, using natural products, being environmentally sustainable all the while effectively meeting the many varying needs of your equine partner

There are several principles St. Hippolyt have in place to safeguard their sustainability and quality assurance in product production.

  • Using high quality, raw ingredients that are sourced locally. There is no addition of chemical preservatives or flavourings in any of the products. The use of renewable energy in the production plant, Mill Elbert means it is 120% energy efficient providing energy for its own offices and 25 surrounding houses.
  • Hippolyt have created the Glyx Principle, all products in the Glyx series are kept with a moderate level of starch and sugar and are gluten, molasses and grain free.
  • Hippolyt principle of wholesomeness, naturally nutrient rich versatile components, natural additives and a gentle processing procedure.
  • Hippolyt Science, research and development to the highest degree. An international team of employees are in constant exchange with horse experts, vets, biologists, agricultural and food scientists, owners and riders.

St. Hippolyt work with the best in the equine world, including: Olympic dressage rider, Dorothee Schneider; two-time Olympic showjumper, Lars Nieberg; showjumper, Katharina Offel; world champion, Michael Freund and Olympic dressage rider, Emma Hindle. On the thoroughbred side of the industry, St Hippolyt works with clients such as Gestut Karlshof; Gestut Etzean; Schlossgut Itlingen and many more.

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St. Hippolyt is one of Europe’s most progressive Equine feed      manufacturers. The range of products available is suitably impressive. The list includes St. Hippolyt Basics, St. Hippolyt Breeding, St. Hippolyt Horsecare, St. Hippolyt High Performance, St. Hippolyt Mineral Feeds and St. Hippolyt Fibre.


I was lucky enough to get to talk to Philipp Stauffenberg, owner along with his wife Marion, of Schlossgut Itlingen, Germany. The Stauffenberg’s have built a reputation of excellence, not only in Germany but throughout European racing and bloodstock circles. They have bred, raised, purchased and sold Group winning horses such as Four Sins, Lady Marian, Calrissian Lucky Speed and Zenato throughout Europe. Success like this does not happen by chance. A second to none management programme has to be put in place, at the forefront of this is a diet and nutrition program.

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The Stauffenberg’s have built a reputation of excellence, not only in Germany but throughout European racing and bloodstock circles. They have bred, raised, purchased and sold Group winning horses such as Four Sins, Lady Marian (photo above), Calrissian Lucky Speed and Zenato throughout Europe. In co-operation with St. Hippolyt, Schlossgut Itlingen has developed its own feed.


At Schlossgut Itlingen there is a strict pasture management system in place, they only feed the best quality hay and oats to the horses. In co-operation with St. Hippolyt, Schlossgut Itlingen has developed its own feed. On a regular basis St. Hippolyt analyse the nutritional values of all the components of the horse’s diet ensuring all the nutritional demands of the horses are met. These demands vary according to various factors such as climate, age, stress levels, whether it’s a weanling or a pregnant mare in her final stages of pregnancy. The management are constantly monitoring changes in the stock and the Stauffenberg’s use the expertise of St. Hippolyt’s nutrition consultants all year long. Together they make sure all horses from new-born foals to yearlings to broodmares are all receiving the nutrients they require to develop to their full potential. The success of Schlossgut Itlingen at bloodstock sales and on the track speak for themselves.

The range of products available is suitably impressive. The list includes St. Hippolyt Basics, St. Hippolyt Breeding, St. Hippolyt Horsecare, St. Hippolyt High Performance, St. Hippolyt Mineral Feeds and St. Hippolyt Fibre.

The company’s flagship product is Struktur E, this is a concentrate feed with a high content of vital substances including natural sources of protein, vitamins and oil and up to 30 different herbs. The proportions of the herbs are varied to meet the horses changing seasonal needs. After 27 years Struktur E is still the highlight of everyday feeding.

St. Hippolty are always working to recognise the physical demands on sports horses, looking at the relationship between nutrition and physiology. Nutrient delivery is key to this. An American study has shown the absorption of vitamin E was significantly higher in horses fed on St. Hippolyts, Qelan than those fed conventionally.

Without writing a product catalogue I can tell you that St. Hippolyt have a feed for every horse, pony and foal belonging the all disciplines from Happy Hacker to International Showjumper or the Race Horse.

They also have a wide range of supplements, equine care products and an equally high quality range of dog feeds.

St. Hippolyt have a team of friendly, knowledgeable, dedicated advisors and can be contacted at with any queries or you can learn more about their products at

Therese Stub Alhaug


Therese is the editor of Equilife, and is truly dedicated to equestrian sports and horses. She started riding as a little girl, and enjoys her free time with her two horses back home. Portrait interview is her favorite topic, as it has the gift to inspire others through peoples stories, knowledge, training and general life-philosophy, and certainly, their lives with horses.

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