– We wanted to set the standard when it comes to quality, performance, and functionality. Develop the best possible products. Products that endure for years and lives up to the highest of expectations, while still delighting the eye, says Mark Dalhoum Pedersen, creative director in EQUITEC.

 By Therese Alhaug. Foto: EQUITEC

 When the Danish equestrian company Equitec was established in 2014, the idea was to focus on quality, functionality and design – designed by riders for riders.

Mads Jørgensen and Karen Lindal Marteinsdottir founded the company. Mads is CEO and is responsible for the daily operation of Equitec. He has years of experience of starting up and developing companies – as well as fundraising for them and seeing through the sales of them. – I have a strong experience in sales, strategic planning, and business development, he says. Karen is the product developer and has a background as a riding instructor with a degree from Hólar University in Iceland. She has worked with world-renowned riders and has been passionate in the field of riding – both in theory and practice for almost her entire life. – Her talent of designing beautiful and anatomically fitted products for horses and riders is a natural result of her experience, says Mads. In 2015, Saskia Skovdal joined the team as sales manager and the year after, Mark Dalhoum Pedersen also joined in as the Creative Director.


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“We have been focusing on equipment for Icelandic horses for a couple of years because that is a sport we are personally involved with and know very well.”

Performance and durability

Equitec is dedicated to the pursuit of perfection in every little detail:

– We seek to challenge conventions and find an innovative approach where functionality and beautiful design combine and co-exist. Our approach benefits the horse, the rider, and the spectators. Our approach delights the eye while never compromising on performance and durability. We believe horse-riding accessories shouldn’t just work, they should work beautifully, Mads says. -Equitec aims to make products based on knowledge of equestrian sports and expertise in this field. Therefor EQUITEC collaborates with the Danish showjumper Tina Lund, who is a world-renowned rider with years of experience. The input of riding experts such as Tina and Equitec’s own Karen is vital to our product development. Tina has been absolutely great to work with – very professional and very enthusiastic. We are very proud of our new Jump saddles, and the response to them has been overwhelming, Mads says.


“We seek to challenge conventions and find an innovative approach where functionality and beautiful design combine and co-exist.”


Creating Icelandic – and showjumping saddles

EQUITEC designs all leather equipment themselves, with great help from chiropractors, vets and saddle experts, produced in high-quality Italian calf leather.

– All our saddles are produced in England. We have been working with this company now for two years and their knowledge and craftsmanship is outstanding. The tree in our saddles is made out of wood covered with plastic fibres. To strengthen the tree, we have chosen to use wood because it is a strong but flexible material. This is important so the rider gets as close to his horse’s movements as possible. Our close contact shock absorbing panels have a wool core covered with neoprene. We also offer a broad close contact panel to accommodate fit and well-muscled competition horses, making sure that the weight of the rider is well distributed over the horses back, Mads explains.

Beautiful bridles

The EQUITEC bridles, as well as saddles, are designed with the horses wellbeing in mind, handmade from English leather without the use of toxic chemicals:

– All cuts and shapes are designed to follow the horse’s body so it can move as freely as possible. A variety of our browbands are decorated with crystals from Swarovski®. In 2016 we established a branding partnership with Swarovski, so expect to see a lot more Equitec products decorated with crystals from Swarovski® in the future. We focus on anatomy and comfort when we design our bridles. It is important to us, that the horse doesn’t experience any discomfort when wearing our bridles. We also have a great focus on details and of course beautiful design – for anyone’s taste.



Passion for Icelandic sports

Why Icelandic sports?

– We have been focusing on equipment for Icelandic horses for a couple of years because that is a sport we are personally involved with and know very well. It was a good field to start up in to gain some experience, and to find the right producers to work with that fulfil our high standards of quality. It was also a natural step for us to take on the challenge of producing and selling equipment for show jumping. A sport that we are fascinated with, Mads says.

– The Icelandic horses – and everything associated with the horses – is the most growing horse sport and breed in Europe in these years. The sport is going through a huge development and is becoming much more professional with competitions, sponsors, equipment etc., that have the same high standards as we have seen in “big” horse sports like dressage and show jumping.

But it doesn’t stop there. Next to go is a clothing line – designed by Italians:

– Our upcoming clothing line is developed in cooperation with a talented team of Italian designers – Equitec’s designers will ensure a touch of Scandinavian simplicity and elegance to match the handmade and beautiful style of the Italian team, Mads finishes.










Therese Stub Alhaug


Therese is the editor of Equilife, and is truly dedicated to equestrian sports and horses. She started riding as a little girl, and enjoys her free time with her two horses back home. Portrait interview is her favorite topic, as it has the gift to inspire others through peoples stories, knowledge, training and general life-philosophy, and certainly, their lives with horses.

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